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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Cole Haddon

I very much enjoy THE MIST and have returned to it often. The final moments of it might be some of the most terrifying, heart-wrenching moments I've ever seen on screen. If you haven't seen the B&W version, it's a must.

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THE MIST is an underappreciated film and there's a very strong case for it being a masterpiece of the genre, which I tend to agree with. Fun fact: Thomas Jane, the star, is a very good friend of mine. In fact, I just worked with him on his latest TV series. His performance is this is amongst my favorites from him, that finale being one of the reasons why.

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Cole Haddon

There are some really good ones out there, but i f'ing LOVED both the book and the movie Doctor Sleep!

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Shamefully, I haven't seen the film yet. I struggled with the synthesis of it with the Kubrick adaptation. But I've surrendered my hesitation at this, and will be watching this year!

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Oct 9, 2023Liked by Cole Haddon

As a Cronenberg fan, I have to pick The Dead Zone.

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It's a good pick, for sure!

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'Stand by me', I truly love that film as much as I deeply love the novella. But if I have to choose a horror film, I'd say 'Pet Sematary'. I know it's not a perfect film but to me it's one of King's best adaptations, scary as the book.

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I love STAND BY ME so much, and it's a strange film like THE SHAWSHANK REDEMPTION that is permeated by horror, but never manages to feel like one. I reference it quite often in my own work. PET SEMETARY is...grizzly. That shot of the Achilles' heel slash never leaves my mind.

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Ouch! That's exactly why I like it, there are so many moments engraved in my memory. Did you see the remake? It makes one bold choice but finally falls flat and doesn't reach Mary Lambert's version.

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I haven't seen the remake. The idea of one never really appealed to me, sort of like the remake of CARRIE.

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'Carrie' is my top choice. I first watched it while my older cousin babysat me and my younger sister. Being a horror fan, she thought it would be a great idea to scare two little girls by showing them Sissy Spacek covered in blood. For years, I was traumatized by that viewing experience. It wasn't until later in high school that I revisited all things spooky. My sister continues to avoid watching anything she finds too scary. Conversely, I am a passionate fan of horror and hold the genre in high regard. Thanks to all fifteen seasons of ‘Supernatural’, I’ve come a long way.

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Your older cousin sounds like a lot of fun! I love CARRIE so much. It's one of those films, like THE EXORCIST, that we fixate on the horror of when we talk/think about them, but on a craft level, as exercises in cinema, they are masterpieces even before the blood and gore and terror enter the conversation.

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'The Amityville Horror' (1979) and 'The Omen' should also be included on the list of cinematic masterpieces that fall under the horror genre.

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