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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Cole Haddon

Sir, it's not an answer to the MAIN question, but... yes, Batman Day IS a thing. We have it in Italy too: a lot of comicbook shops create an event that this year will take place on 16th September. I'll sign a few comicbooks myself, since I'm one of the few Italian writers that has written a Batman (well, a Justice League, but Batman's there) story. :-)

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I'm disappointed now I didn't write something to commemorate the event, or at least schedule a specific Q&A around it. The first part of my Ed Brubaker Q&A posts that day.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Cole Haddon

Ed Brubaker! Yay!!! Thanks, Mr. Haddon!

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It's a HUGE two-part interview. I follow it up with one with Christian Ward and then Matt Fraction. John Romita Jr. should be coming sometime at the end of the year.

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Sep 4, 2023·edited Sep 4, 2023Liked by Cole Haddon

IF (as it's not sure) I'm in Italy for my series premiere, I'll try to drop by and humbly ask you an autograph!

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Cole Haddon

Oh, c'mon, I'll have shipped to France whatever you want!

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I’d pay to see Man on Fire, Heat, Ran, In The Mood For Love, and any number of 40s films that I love; after seeing a silver nitrate print of His Girl Friday at UCLA like 15 years ago, I noticed I missed a lot of visual gags in the background, and it made we wonder what else have I missed! I did see Liz Taylor’s Cleopatra at The Egyptian; what a sumptuous visual treat.

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I have to say, MAN ON FIRE is a surprising title to see on this list from you. HEAT, RAN, IN THE MOOD FOR LOVE...these all make sense to me. I saw HIS GIRL FRIDAY a couple times on the big screen in LA, and it's amazing fun with a large crowd. As for CLEOPATRA, I'm jealous. I haven't seen it on the big screen yet...or at all. I can't explain that omission. What about MAN ON FIRE got it on this list for you?

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Ah, but MAN ON FIRE is my favorite action-thriller in the last 20 years. I can never get enough of it; Tony Scott at the height of visual imaginative powers, one of Denzel's best performances in a thriller, and redemption story for the ages.

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Okay, I think I have to rewatch it now...

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Once upon a time in America. I've watched it in a movie theater back in 1984. I was 9 years old and I would love to watch it again, restored, on the big screen.

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I'm a Leone nut, but for some reason, ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA has never resonated for me the same way his Westerns do. I can't explain it. I'm going to rewatch the epic-length cut later this year, to try to fix that. But in other news, have you seen Sorrentino's È STATE LA MANO DI DIO (THE HAND OF GOD)? I just saw it a couple weeks ago, and adored it. ONCE UPON A TIME IN AMERICA plays a huge role in the central character's family's life.

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I loved Sorrentino’s movie, one of his best! And I totally understand how you feel about Once Upon A Time in America, but it’s the only movie directed by Leone I’ve seen in a movie theater. I’ve got totally sucked in since the first stunning sequence. That phone ringing off screen, that montage... just the thought still gives me the chills.

And, oh boy, Jennifer Connelly... I literally felt in love with her at first sight.

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Sep 4, 2023Liked by Cole Haddon

I missed seeing David Lynch's DUNE on the big screen. I'd love to see it in that format just once.

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I saw a restored copy in London about four years ago. Packed house. It was...amazing. TOTO's score was so wonderfully indulgent. The scene where Paul mounts the sandworm for the first time had the crowd applauding.

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