A compilation of new and older arts-related articles that you might've missed
I'm so flattered! Thanks for including Noted!
Your Substack is a delight!
Thanks for reading (and recommending) Cole!
It's a fantastic piece, mate - keep it up!
Thank you for the consideration among some very talented writers here.
I loved that article a great deal! I thought I subscribed as soon as I read it, but I just did. I'll try to properly recommend you in this newsletter next month. Your Substack deserves it.
Thank you for recommending my newsletter Cole! I’m such a fan of your work.
I'm so flattered! Thanks for including Noted!
Your Substack is a delight!
Thanks for reading (and recommending) Cole!
It's a fantastic piece, mate - keep it up!
Thank you for the consideration among some very talented writers here.
I loved that article a great deal! I thought I subscribed as soon as I read it, but I just did. I'll try to properly recommend you in this newsletter next month. Your Substack deserves it.
Thank you for recommending my newsletter Cole! I’m such a fan of your work.