Getting TWO projects onto his desk is absolutely progress, Cole! And really lovely that your father was paying attention all that time when you thought he wasn't. The things we don't say often have more power than what we might or should say, but of course, only time reveals that possibility.

On tyhe subject of fame, it is strange how somebody, who, after all, is a mere human, just like ourselves, can have such a powerful affect on us and our wider lives; yet they can also induce a form of paralysis when we come across them in real life.

I met plenty of very famous people in a previous life, including some I admired and even loved from a distance, but I'm not the starstruck type, and was able to 'function normally' while in their company. Speilberg, though, and especially for you, is a different entity altogether. I can only imagine Bowie, if I'd ever have met him, which I didn't, would have similarly tongue-tied and frozen me into starstruck shock and awe.

I wonder how people as famous and recognisable as Spielberg actually deal with the effect they have on those they encounter in the wild? It must be very, very strange at first, but then, as with everything, it becomes normal for them.

I read somewhere that a journalist, walking in Manhattan with Paul Newman, was completely bamboozled by the stares and furtive and flushed conversations behind their backs as they passed; all of which Newman appeared completely oblivious to. Whether that was acquired behaviour or simply innate to Newman, he couldn't say, but it was, to him, a very strange and unsettling experience.

Fame, bully for you, chilly for me...

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I have friends who are famous, I've had even more ex-friends who are famous, and I've been around celebrity pretty much non-stop for the past two decades of my life. I have never envied anyone who chose to live that life. Unlike you, though, I still get tongue-tied around people I deeply admire. I'm a talent junky, so it takes a lot of energy for me to disentangle the fanboy from the artist/regular person in these encounters. Bowie would've left me a babbling moron.

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Me too…as they say!

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I love this story. Meet him or not, he’s influenced all of us, hasn’t he?

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