Some great links here, thank you! I’ve just been catching up. I thought the M. Night Shyamalan article was interesting as I’ve found his films a bit of a mixed bag tbh and I didn’t really enjoy A Knock at the Cabin. I also liked the Guardian piece on convergence of taste although I’m not sure how much I agree with it. I LOVED the Armageddon podcast. It articulated well what it is that I love about that film and why it really doesn’t matter that it’s chock full of plot holes. I also thought there were some interesting parallels with your piece on Die Hard.

Sadly, by the time I got to reading, the Elif Shafak article had gone behind the paywall which is a shame. I’ll have to be quicker next time!

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I think the ARMAGEDDON and DIE HARD parallel, at least as I talked about DIE HARD, is really spot on. I just like sharing pieces that make me think. Glad you're enjoying them!

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Thanks for all those links! Where do you get the time to follow all that? I'm impressed and jealous at the same time.

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I'm not sure if you're a full-time artist, but I am and so this is all I do, all day, every day. Well, when I'm not worrying about my kids or the world ending. But mostly, I watch films/TV, read books, write, and read about other people thinking/doing the same.

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Some really interesting looking links here. I will be diving in shortly and may well report back later. Also, highly intrigued by your forthcoming Armageddon piece.

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It's going to be a fun one to write!

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